
Waverly, IA - 50677
(319) 352-0037

Cedar Valley Friends of the Family


319-352-0037 Cedar Valley Friends of the Family provides:

safe shelter confidential services and housing assistance to individuals in crisis due to homelessness domestic violence and sexual assaultThrough prevention education and community engagement they seek a future free of violence and homelessness.

Cedar Valley Friends of the Family Community Questionnaire
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Is this shelter safe? (Do not enter private information; it may be published.)
posted Mar 28, 2024

Do you know if they allow kids with their parents to stay here? (Do not enter private information; it may be published.)

Do you have to be married to stay here as a couple? (Do not enter private information; it may be published.)

How old do you have to be to stay here? (Do not enter private information; it may be published.)

Do you take donations such as clothing and household items? (Do not enter private information; it may be published.)

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