
Odessa, TX - 79760
(432) 333-2527

Crisis Center of West Texas


866-627-4747The Crisis Center Odess provides:

sexual assault shelterfoodtransportationsupportand community referrals to victims of domestic violence The shelter does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, gender, or beliefs.

The shelter is a temporary emergency residence for victims and their children.

Every precaution is taken to ensure a resident's safety and confidentiality.


Women and/or children impacted by domestic violence or sexual assault. Their Programs24 hour crisis hotline:

Trained personnel answer their crisis hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Crisis Center can provide community resources and emotional support for anyone who might need help.

Crisis Intervention:

The Crisis Response Team works alongside Odessa Police Department, Sheriff's Office and Medical Personnel to help aid victims after the immediate crime. CRT (Crisis Response Team) responds when summons by a Police official or medical staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The team provides on the scene Crisis Counseling and information for any victim of Family Violence or Sexual Assault.

Volunteers are always needed for Crisis Response Team.

Each volunteer will go through 40 hours of training.

Angel House Family Violence Shelter:

Family Violence is a crippling crime that permeates families across the nation. The need for safety and support is essential to their breaking the cycle of violence in their lives.

The Crisis Center offers Angel House , as that resource.

The Shelter is designed to help victims of Family Violence re-establish their lives free from violence and give them hope for a successful future.

The Shelter can provide the basic necessities of life that a family needs, along with support groups, counseling, transportation to work and school and referrals to local resources.

The Shelter has trained advocates to provide these services 24 hours a day, at no cost to the client.

Angel House does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, gender, economic background, and educational level, sexual or religious preference.

Community Awareness and Education

The Crisis Center provides Awareness and Education to the community through various efforts.

The Crisis Center will present the necessary information to any group or organization on the topics of Family Violence, Sexual Assault, Prevention of Sexual Assault, and the countless other topics that derive from these issues.

The Crisis Center also has programs that are presented to youth in our service counties.

The WHO (They Help Themselves) Program is a anti-victimization curriculum presented to Elementary age students.

The program teaches students about Strangers, Hurts, Secrets and Touches in age appropriate language.

The students learn what these are, how they can help themselves with each and whom they can talk to.

Primary Prevention:

A New Approach is their curriculum presented to 6th grade through 12th grade students as well as their parents. The program is based on trying to help prevent or stop sexual assault before it occurs. Also Teen Dating Violence education and resources are given, for the purpose of teaching youth what to look for in healthy and unhealthy relationships. Primary Prevention:

Their most recent community education program initiative. It addresses the approach that takes place before sexual violence and domestic violence has occurred to prevent initial perpetration or victimization. Primary Prevention promotes efforts to modify systemic issues, attitudes, behaviors and norms in their community. Primary Prevention:

A New Approach is the curriculum presented to students and parents, in hopes of modifyng or eliminating the individual, relationship, community and societal influences that result in perpetration, victimization and bystander attitudes of violence. Counseling and Referrals:

The Crisis Center offers numerous referrals to other organization in the community that can help aid their clients on their road to recovery.

The advocates are trained in Crisis Intervention Counseling to help with the initial crisis and then a referral is made to an LPC/ RPT organization for longterm healing.

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  • User   2019-08-26 00:52:50

    I’m looking for some information about this shelter can I please get an email back. Thank you

  • User   2020-05-27 13:46:00

    Hello, I would like to know if you accept donations of new, unused makeup, and skin care items.

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