
San Andreas, CA - 95245
(209) 754-1300

Calaveras Crisis Center

24-Hour Hotline:

(209) 736-4011 / (209) 754-4011Office Hours:

Mon. - Thur. 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Calaveras Crisis Center provides many services to individuals and their families dealing with past or present Domestic Violence.

Peer Counseling: Advocates are available to provide one on one counseling to help victims overcome and heal from past or current domestic violence. Support Groups: Advocates facilitate groups for either men or women who want to learn about domestic violence.Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) Assistance: Assistance is available Monday through Thursday to complete paperwork, make copies, and inform individuals of the court process and their legal rights with a Restraining Order.Accompaniment: Victims of Domestic Violence have the right to emotional support throughout court proceedings, Law Enforcement interviews, social service and healthcare visits. Advocates are available to provide accompaniment upon request. Emergency Hospital Response: Advocates are available to provide in-person support and advocacy to victims of Domestic Violence at the hospital 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Telephone Hotline: A Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide telephone crisis support to men and women. (209) 736-4011 or (209) 754-4011Referrals: Information about various services in the county are provided to individuals as needed. Shelter Program: Temporary emergency shelter is available to individuals and their children who are leaving a Domestic Violence situation. All Crisis Center services are included in the program.

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  • User   2019-06-02 20:35:18

    Hello I have a friends whose daughter would like to know of they can make small care packages for the women and children. Is this some thing she could do? If so what items would be needed? And can she bring them there? Thanks Lisa

  • User   2020-02-29 14:53:39

    I have women’s suits, blouses, tops, slacks and other clothing that I would like to donate. I was told by a friend of Merritt Tutthill (Sara) that you center would be interested. Please let me know if you are by emailing me above. Thank you.

  • User   2022-10-29 21:13:24

    Are you accepting clothing from donations? What other items are in need? Toiletries, feminine products, I would like to donate items if I can. Thank you

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